Friday 17 March 2017

My Pearl of Wisdom

Beyond perception, beyond time
In the abode of unforeseen galaxies
Immersed in a realm of violet light
Within my mind, within my heart
Where I felt the silence of a morning dew...
The tranquil of a quiet sea...
My spirits danced in ecstasy
There I heard the whisper of hers
The cold tender touch around me

Looking up with faraway eyes
Her silver streaks of white hair 
Radiating a serene dignity
And did I call her “Amma”?

I recall that face from my dreams
With eyes so sharp and deep,
With an aroma of a wild rose,
Her wrinkled skin was so smooth, 
Like the finest knitted silk,
I reminisce the warmth of her smile so clear
I feel her so intimate, I hear her so near
Drenched in the magnanimity of her soul
I adore her words so firm and tough
There she gifted her priceless pearl to me
Where all my sorrows just become sublime 
Bringing sparkle in my wearying eyes.

I said a little prayer along with her
Thanking her and the energies around me 
For blessing me with her gentle love and trust.
For the Pearl of my heart, so divine and charming
That will mount my life up to the heavens
And I Promise to keep her pearl so precious
With all my devotion, love and care.

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