My Palette

I can paint ,but I just cannot write about it.My series of paintings "Travel of the moon " needs some explanation .
I have painted the travel of the moon in 30 paintings-27 Nakshatras, The sun, the moon, and Sarpas.  The size of each painting is 5x4 feet, in acrylic medium

In this world there exists a myriad of systems to classify the populace, like that of ethnicity, religion, caste and creed. Albeit the existence of these methods there are no approaches that can encompass the world as a whole, like that of lunar constellations, also called as Nakshatras. Unique to Vedic astrology, Nakshatras (lunar constellations) are the 27 divisions of 360°,the zodiac in segments of 13° 20′ each. The description of this ancient system was derived from texts that date back to the 1000 BCE.

My thoughts and views on each painting will be posted soon once I complete my paintings.

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