Sunday 26 February 2017

A rainbow of Friendship

Sitting here and thinking how
my life much richer is now

Rainbows created my imagination
as it arched across the sky

I cannot portray you in words that
You left right down into my soul

Your face with serenity and grace like
Strokes of vivid colors in my painting

The loving gestures that
you shower on those who passed by

Your kind and serene temperament,
Your softly spoken words,

Your charming innocent smile,
That touches the hearts.

You always have gentle word
to calm and soothe the minds

Your smile and laugh that twinkle
With the elate of your energy,

The manner you lights up a space ...
with the sparkles of your eyes.

I search to find some words anew ...
Just to tell you how I feel about you.

I could not get any words or colors
that would express my mind.

I sense as I am reunited with my
Childhood friend who  grew up with me.

It has never been so profound
I think a lifetime friend have I found.

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