Thursday 20 April 2017

Seasons of Emotions

Slumbering under a wet blanket
On a bright summer day
Douses the sparkles of sensations
Making life dull and dark.

Wrapped up in a wet blanket
On a dewy winter night
Subdues the twinkling of shining stars
Dimming the grace of a starlit sky.

Draped in a wet blanket
On a leisurely autumn eve
Crafts a layer of fog over happiness
Depleting the colours of the season.

Hiding under a wet blanket
On a fresh spring morning
Smothers the whiff of the caressing breeze
Diminishing the splendor of blossoming blooms.

The Season of distressed emotions
Hardships and troubles impale us
Leaving life damp as a wet blanket
Making hope an absolute stranger.

Seasons are periods of reflection
To halt, ponder and introspect
No glitches trailed us in our entire journey
They are conspiracies of emotions foiling sunshine

Allow a gush of energy to flow through you
Washing away all struggles and pain out
Enjoying the seasons of life, in all their beauty and glory

Leaving your smile to brighten this world.


  1. Superb as always. Your paintings are transcendental

    1. Thank you Prachi...My first comment on my blog ,that too from you.Thankyou once again
